A break….already? After ONE week?

We’ve only had one week of school and here we are taking a little break.  Why?  Back-to-school busy-ness!!  The boys have been invited to several back-to-school events, and neighborhood public school friends are trying to get in the last few days of *free play time*.  We’ve had several birthday parties, family visits, church activities and playdates in the past few weeks too.  Since we have the flexibility in our homeschool, why not take this time off?  I’ll be kind of glad when public school starts again and we can comfortably settle into our routine.

We are doing a few things though, and ll of that will be lumped into a *week 2* post soon!

Muffin Tin Monday

Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth

I have a really fun muffin tin meal planned that ties in with our geography……but we have been SO busy lately!!  It’s like the last two weeks just exploded with activities!

We missed this past MTM because I simply forgot.  This week’s is very simple but the boys LOVED it!  Kaleb declared today “the best day ever”……..he has a lot of those!! 🙂

In the tins:
PB&J star sandwiches…you would have thought I hung those stars in the sky! 🙂
dipping ranch
string cheese cut in circles
green grapes